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...Of The Agony And The Ecstacy : Baba Bulleh Shah (RA)

From the Blog lalioutloudPrevious entries in this series : 1. Khwaja Ghulam Fareed (RA) 2. Allama Muhammad Iqbal (RA) 3. Hz Bedam Shah Warsi (RA) 4. Maulana Abdur Rehman Jami (RA) I've written in the past, both in light and sombre tones, about my lifelong love affair with asthma. It is a disease from whose clutches I have more or less managed to disentangle myself. This disentanglement has had less to do with my efforts and more with the fact that asthma tends to lose interest in its sufferers as they grow into adulthood. The first decade of my life was punctuated by an unhealthy amount of hospital admissions, the second decade with a gradual decrease in their frequency, and the last seven years have been more or less hospital-free. Like Ghalib's occasional digressions from temperance, my asthma returpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7116470612993937141 Pakistani Blog Posts


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