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UN International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women

From the blog pkhope A group of beautiful girls walked onto a runway, their steps marching in time to a beat. Their long robes swished behind them as they walked forward with elegance and grace. This scene would not have been out of place at a runway show, with one exception: Their march was that of society’s battered women. The Ladies Chapter of Pakistan Writers Club (aka: PWC-LC), in honor of the United Nations International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women, presented an evening of arts and performances highlighting an issue that is taking precedence on a global scale – putting an end to violence against women. Hosted at the Embassy of Pakistan on the 22nd of November, the evening was presided over by PWC-LC Convener, Dr. Wardah Qureshi, and hosted by Dr. Erum Qalbani (Deputy Conpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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