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Russian Salad and some Mayo Magic

From the Blog bakerscanvasRussian salad is such a forgiving and versatile recipe. It can take all kinds of crispy veggies , some fruits, even a few kinds of dry fruits mixed in with some mayonnaise and always tastes awesome. When I make Russian salad, I put any combination of cabbage, potato, carrot, cucumber, peas, apple, mango, grapes, chickpeas, raisins, almonds and/or walnuts. Cabbage is a must for me, rest of the ingredients change with season. You can pineapple if you like, it will add some more crunch. I sometimes add a tablespoon or two of cream at the end, but that's optional. I prefer raw veggies, except potatoes and peas, which I always boil; but carrots and cabbage can also be boiled for a couple of minutes to make them slightly softer. I prefer to boil cabbage when it is slightly bitter; bpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3410606182613019453 Pakistani Blog Posts


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