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Special Courts, Compulsion, not Choice

From the Blog pkhope Raising ifs and buts in constituting special courts for trial of terrorism cases is just mental bankruptcy of pseudo intellectuals. Pakistan is at the crossroads and these are very testing and defining times for the Pakistan and it’s people who want action now against the evil in FATA The question is, why army is called upon in every odd time every now and then? Because there is already an explicit article 245 in constitution, where under Pak Armed Forces ought to be called upon in aid of civil power whenever it is seen beyond the capacity of ordinary civil institutions to cope with the situation, it may be rebellion of floods, trembling of earth or failure of civilian institution(s). And above all whether we are not at war for the last 12 years. The Article is as under: “2pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7635346769151421326 Pakistani Blog Posts


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