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Faraz Manan: Ali Xeeshan

From the Blog newsAli Xeeshan: Unconventional fabrication will replace heavy embellished surfaces this season and customised ethnic prints are the new embroidery, says Ali Xeeshan. Guiding further, he adds, Use solid coloured fabrics to balance your look for weddings and select between chunky earrings or statement necklaces. Wearing them both together can kill the elegant charm. This new-school fashion iconpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Unsung Lullaby

From the Blog sesapzaiA couple great women have inspired this piece, of which include my dearest friend Huma whose awesome blog and poem on the Peshawar Attack can be read here, as well as […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7546104702074179569 Pakistani Blog Posts


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