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Home is Where the Heart Is

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesIt's 11:31 pm and I'm huddled in bed, having coaxed my seven year old brother into being a part of my entry for Envy's contest and in return of being called a teddy bear and all the little pet names I could use to get him to work with me, he has decided to cuddle up with me as I write. (Stop breathing on my arm, it tickles. Also, don't shove your head too close.) "Home is where the heart is" Sounds simple and rings with truth. But if I was to explain this saying to you and talk about what it meant to me, I would b dragging in a third concept. Family. I'll admit- I've never been away from my family for long. Also, we've made so many life changing decisions and gone through so much as a team, it's hard to imagine a house becoming a home without them. So I've managed to connect homepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2234761400627532917 Pakistani Blog Posts


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