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From the Blog ummeyusufThis week, I decided to put aside the slow-growing sweater and instead cast on a hat. A hat is a much smaller project than a sweater, even if it has a lot of cabling and it seemed to fly after so much time on the pullover, which continues to be bane of my knitting existence. Anyway, I got the hat finished in four days, which is saying something these days. The pattern is Gretel. I had the book version of the pattern, which is only in one regular size and only comes with written instructions. The instructions are a bit vague at certain points, but still I managed to complete the hat without any major hiccup. This is for my eldest daughter and goes with her cable yoke pullover. It fits nicely and looks really well. I was ready to knit another for her in her school color, when shpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

جیدو ڈنگر

From the Blog khawarkingجیدو ڈنگر! گھر جنوائی تھا ، امیر بیوی کو گامے کے گھر سے نکلتے دیکھ کر بھی اس کے گھر پہنچے تک کچھ نہیں کہا ۔ گھر پہنچ کر جیدو ڈنگر کی نظریں الٹی پہنی شلوار کی سلائی میں الجھ کر رہ گئیں ۔ جیدو ڈنگر نے ڈرتے ڈرتے جب سے اس بات کی طرف اشارہ کیا ہے اس دن سے جیدو کی بیوی نے جیدو کی زندگی حرام کئے ہوئی ہے کہ تم مجھ پر شک کرتے ہے ، یہ دشمنوں کی سازش ہے ہمارے گھر کا سکون تباھ کرنے کی ۔ جیڈو ڈنگر کی بیوی کہتی ہے کہ کسی بھی گھر کا سکون تباھ کرنے کے لئے اس گھر کی بیوی کے کردار کو مشکوک کرنے والے ہی اس گھر کے اصلی دشمن ہوتے ہیں ۔ جیدو ڈنگر تو تھا ہی اب اس پر شکی مزاج اور دشمنوں کا "لائی لگ " ہونے کا لیبل بھی لگ گیا ہے ۔ نوٹ : یہ ایک فکشن کہانی ہے ، کسی فرد یا ادارے کے کردار سے مطابقت محض اتفاقیہ ہی ہو سکتی ہے ۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Chinar House, Abbottabad

From the Blog odysseuslahoriMy friend Omer Salim Khan Tarin, historian and researcher, led me up the timber stairs. Nearly 130 years after the seasoned pine (or could it be teak?) had been cut and shaped for the stairs, it was as robust as on the first day. The landing at the top was littered with some old stuff and the door to the attic converted into a parlour was on the right. I looked in through the broken glass of the door and called out, 'Miss Fitzhugh?' Sitting amid spreading grounds, forever in dappled sunlight for the many trees around, 3 Club Road also known as Chinar House in Abbottabad, is a right beautiful English country house with a pitched roof, skylights and gables. Unlike an English house, where it would be an unnecessary adjunct, a veranda runs along the east side. Behind the house, detpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6093490299740390623 Pakistani Blog Posts


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