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Noor's Place turns 2 : Blogoversary + Giveaway

From the Blog noorsplace *Today is a big day.* It's my blog's blogoversary. YAY! Noor's Place turns 2. A cool wild roller coaster of two whole years and I still can't believe how awesome it all has been. SRSLY! I had a tons of photos to put in this post but they all went away with my stolen iPod. Out of my grieve, I still wanted to post about blogoversary. After all, it is supposed to be a big day. In the long journey from starting a blog to maintaining it, I think I've learned a lot, not only about cyber world but also about a lot of other things. When Noor's Place was started, I had a totally different point of view for social media, a different kind of writing style and most importantly, a different kind of personality. As I grew older in past two years, so did my blog. Writing is my passion, or mopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5998408219130856460 Pakistani Blog Posts


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