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System of Governance – Not the Governance

From the Blog pakteahouse *Misbah U. Azam, Ph.D.* [image: Governance] The common problem among Pakistani is that – for 67 years — we rely and wait for messiahs, who, with their heavenly powers, would solve every ills of the country. It isn’t quite amazing for any outside observer when they witness how Imran Khan’s followers justify his actions and blindly follow his rhetoric without asking any question. Although, it is rather encouraging that a section of society, who have never shown any interest in the street politics, decided to participate in the politics on Khan’s call. To remind leadership that they are voted in, not for power play but to deliver, and in case of failure, they would be out, it is necessary that every segment of public to have a voice and opinion on the governance issues. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3592983567839037061 Pakistani Blog Posts


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