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On Patriarchy and Privacy

From the Blog nabihameher On 14th November 2014 Pakistan Feminist Watch had the honour of attending Pakistan’s first national conference on data and privacy rights. Organised by DigitalRights Foundation, the event was a great means of initiating public discourse on an issue that has become prevalent internationally, but is oft neglected in the Pakistani context. Nighat and her team did a fantastic job in setting the ball rolling on an issue that is not taken seriously. Nabiha was on the first panel, *Right To Privacy in The Digital Age*, moderated by Amber Rahim Shamshi. She was joined by Adnan Rehmat (International Media Support), Naveed ul Haq (Internet Society) and Fouad Bajwa (Open Internet Activist). As PFW’s work focuses upon the complicity in perpetuating misogynistic and problematic norms and tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The legend’s shadow

From the Blog razarumiForays into analysis give resonance to Dilip Kumar’s recollections that are occasionally derailed by Saira Banu’s looming shadow, I wrote in this review of the legendary actor’s autobiography, The Substance and the Shadow. The three legends of Indian cinema: Amitabh Bachan, Shahrukh Khan and Dilip Kumar ‘Yousuf Khan is scared of Dilip Kumar. Only Allah […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5215068135991970771 Pakistani Blog Posts


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