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Ex-US Official Belies Claim Osama bin Laden was Killed in Abbotabad

From the Blog iabhopal Refuting President Obama’s claim that a US Navy SEALs team had killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad on May 2, 2011, former US Assistant Secretary of Treasury Department, Paul Craig Roberts, has claimed that bin Laden had died due to renal failure a decade earlier in December 2001. *Paul Roberts writes*: “This fake story together with the fake movie and the fake book by an alleged SEALs team member is the way the fake story of Osama bin Laden’s murder is perpetrated. Osama bin Laden had died in December 2001 of renal failure and other health problems, having denied in his last recorded video any responsibility for 9/11, instead directing Americans to look inside their own government. The FBI itself has stated that there is no evidence that bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. Binpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6995995623683456082 Pakistani Blog Posts


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