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Life of an Entrepreneur

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics An entrepreneur is someone who starts with nothing and builds an empire. What makes an entrepreneur unique was the first question Mr. Salim Ghauri, CEO NetSol Technologies asked while addressing the students on November 12, 2014. He told the students that leaders and entrepreneurs do not care about the consequences; they step forward and take actions. Giving examples of famous entrepreneurs he said the difference between them was only that some defined their lives like Richard Branson of Virgin Group and Lakshmi Mittal of Arcelor Mittal. While some changed the world, giving examples of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, whereas some worked to change their countries. His journey of being an entrepreneur was totally unplanned and the reason he was successful today was because he was apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7415762935557372747 Pakistani Blog Posts


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