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Getting Wireshark to work on OS X Yosemite

From the Blog ayaz Half a month back I upgraded two of my Macs to Yosemite. One was my relatively new MacBook Air at home, which had Mavericks on it. The other was my slightly old MacBook Pro at work, which had Mountain Lion. To my relief, the upgrade went briskly on both systems. (Here’s a little secret: I used this guy’s excellent advice to make sure the upgrade did not take too long to finish.) Not only that, to my surprise, Yosemite improved the OS X experience–both UI and performance wise–greatly. I was afraid putting Yosemite on my MacBook Pro, in particular, might slow it down, forcing me to clean the system and attempt a fresh install. I took backups of course, as should you, but cleaning up an entire system and setting it from scratch isn’t a happy thought. As a rule, I prefer not to do pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5864682916886307916 Pakistani Blog Posts


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