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The importance of celebrating Malala

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: Propagandists floated this falsely captioned photo, trying to link Malala with Salman Rushdie (it's actually EU President Martin Scholl) and Taslima Nasreen (who wasn't even granted a meeting with Malala)] Propagandists floated this falsely captioned photo, trying to link Malala with Salman Rushdie (it's actually EU President Martin Schulz) and Taslima Nasreen (who complained later in her blog about how religious Malala is, and how Taslima was not being granted a meeting with her) *I was invited to speak at an event in the Boston area recently titled "Celebrating Malala". I talked about the hostile propaganda against her in her home country Pakistan, and the need to support her regardless of misgivings about how 'the west' or others are 'using' her. Scroll down to see thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

ماضی و مستقبل کی فکر

From the Blog ashrafiya [image: 1_time] To download this file right click here. Sayyidi Mawlana Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) – 16th November 2014pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

....Of A Broke Down Engine

From the Blog lalioutloud*This is an updated version of a post originally published in January 2009. I haven't altered the text, only added some recently found recordings.* Blind Willie McTell sang, "Feel like a broke-down engine, ain't got no drivin' wheel, Feel like a broke-down engine, ain't got no drivin' wheel. You all been down and lonesome, you know just how a poor man feels." I don't know how many have been down and lonesome, but I'm pretty sure everyone's had the winter blues. There's sleet, fog, rain and ovaltine....perfect ingredients for perfect winter days, but somehow or the other the ennui and the gosh-awful lethargy take complete control and the cocooning starts again. A week and a half of indifferent academic mash-ups has brought forth the second long-weekend in a span of four days. Usuallpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2587669363274427781 Pakistani Blog Posts


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