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Halloween Fun or Scare Trick or Treating

From the Blog pkhope The month of October arrives and the whole country is taken by the storm of Halloween festival. Halloween generally is considered a festival for fall harvesting since its Pagan days. We can see pumpkins in all shapes and sizes all around in the stores for sale, in the pumpkin patches, around the houses carved to place a candle in making them jack o lantern or a smiley , or just kept at the entrance with hay stock , corn , scare crow and more but that is not all. ) There are many traditions in different cultures about the harvesting seasons all around the world. America has adopted new trends for fun and activity and the whole world just follow them blindly. They just celebrate it for fun, activity, happiness and do not care what the myth and superstitions are behind this trapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

6 Surprises for a Pakistani at Istanbul

From the Blog fakihahassanrizviThere was a thumbs up each time I said: “I am from Pakistan!” (the least expected words). Istanbul startled me with its unprecedented hospitality.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4493810519893764412 Pakistani Blog Posts


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