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The Futility of the DRS Debate - Sightscreen

From the Blog karachikhatmal The Futility of the DRS Debate (Originally published at the Sightscreen blog) February 24, 2012 Sport is many things, but it is most often and most consistently, spectacle. And the vast majority of sport fans access this spectacle via televised events held in massive purpose-built stadiums. It is important to mention television in modern sport, because it is the primary reason for sport becoming an international behemoth of a business. Television is the reason that clubs play matches at noon so that the Chinese audience can catch, it’s the reason Test captains can afford to leave their national sides, and it’s the reason that hosting the Olympics is seen as some coming-out celebration for an entire country. But different sports have different relationships with television. On one pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8611970855621245427 Pakistani Blog Posts


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