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~Review:L'oreal Paris White Perfect Total 10 Day Cream~

From the Blog areejusmanL'oreal is a brand known to all.Whenever it launches a new product I am looking forward to try it and review it for you all on my blog.L'oreal recently launched a new range called Total 10 & I was sent a sample of its White Perfect day cream for trial and review.This product has been in my use for a month now.I feel like its the perfect time to review it. The packaging of the sample was lovely.I really appreciate the effort of the team. It was wrapped in a lovely blue wrapping paper & silky white ribbon. Opening it up brought back the same joy of receiving something as a surprise. & Here is the lovely White Perfect It comes in a white cylindrical pump bottle with a transparent cap on top.The packaging is quite sturdy.Though when you hold it it feels light in your hands.This bottle pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7850122195511034043 Pakistani Blog Posts


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