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Lahore Journal of Economics

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics The Special Edition of the Lahore Journal of Economics is now online. The Special Edition is a compilation of the papers presented at the Lahore School’s Tenth Annual Conference on the Management of the Pakistan Economy. The key objective of the Lahore School’s Annual Conference is to help policy makers look at some of the critical issues that Pakistan needs to face if it is to achieve growth in the medium to long term and the theme of this year’s conference was ‘Pakistan in the Global Economy – Opportunities and Challenges’. What made the conference unique was that many of these issues have not been discussed and debated thoroughly before in the Pakistani context. Some of the highlights of the conference were Asma Khalid’s (from the State Bank of Pakistan) extremely insightfpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4106861469304596000 Pakistani Blog Posts


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