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Tale of Calamine Lotion and Quiana

From the Blog r2square [image: calamine-lotion] I live next door to a beautiful paranoid brainiac. So the tale goes this way that she had a mild skin reaction on her neck. It was mild at first, but then it turned into this monster that attacked parts of her face. Next thing we know, there are screams and paranoia everywhere =D We all love her, the entire corridor, btw (in case she reads this post and something offends her and kills me in the middle of the night). So she went to see this doctor at the hospital. Being popular does a weird thing to people. So does money. And if you have both of them..boy, it is a disaster. So he prescribed him a measly *Calamine lotion* without proper checkup. And let me remind you again, our exams are close and this dermatitis was really getting on* Quiana’s *nerves pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6101113804491459599 Pakistani Blog Posts


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