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A Teacher is always Teacher

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 542922_501798283175288_537663201_n-1 (1)] A story of brains, common sense and presence of mind It’s a long time back story when people led simple life and helped each other. Amina was a teacher. After her retirement she planned to see the places she had taught in class for so many years. She went from one place to another and enjoyed to see the important sightseeing spots. It took her months as she walked on foot by and large. She reached a small village Spin Kali in north of Pakistan. By the time she got there, she had finished all her money. She had not eaten anything for 3 days so was very hungry. She had a small cooking pot that she carried with her everywhere. She cooked in it, ate from it and drank water from it. It was a multi-use pot. It was time she didn’pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5984680330722081435 Pakistani Blog Posts


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