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Two Faces or Two Hearts ???

From the Blog iabhopal Muslim women are dubbed as extremist or oppressed when, following their religion, they modestly cover their bodies, while for Jew women it is said to be their religious duty or gentleness. Why this double game or hypocrisy of the Americans and Europeans ? Not only that, some countries have banned wearing of modest clothing by Muslim women while in other counties they are teased / harassed if wearing modest clothes. This is the true face so-called human-rights-living / liberal society of Europe and USA. Just in case if you think that Muslims are the only one who wears Burqa. Here is Haredi burka Jewish sect that observe more stricter Veil than Muslims. [image: Jew Women] [image: Jew women-2] Orthodox Jewish women have always felt proud wearing modest dresses. Now, in some Orthpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7974430418355580981 Pakistani Blog Posts


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