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Someday I will wake up as a completely different person.

From the Blog idiotsandgenious When your heart gets broken, nothing will ever be the same. Opinions, views and circumstances change. So does your outlook on life in general. No matter how hard you try, you can`t mend a broken heart. Even if you glue all the pieces together, the cracks will still show. And your eyes will always seem a little bit sad, even when you`ll be smiling. Yet there is hope, because one day you will smile again. You will enjoy music, good food and the company of your friends. Begin to notice how beautiful the world is and how special are the people that are around you. You will find peace. I promise. One thing I can`t promise you though. I can`t promipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2054721103111337990 Pakistani Blog Posts


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