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The 10 Book Challenge

From the Blog farazhasan I have never been nominated for any social media challenge so this is definitely a first for me! So, thanks to Nizreena Ismail for nominating me for the ’10 Book Challenge’! But here’s the strange thing, I’ve never actually finished any book that I’ve ever started reading and I can rather name 20 books that I started reading but then got bored and moved on to something else! All my life, I’ve rather preferred reading books of facts/records, almanacs, comic books (loads of them!), news papers, magazines and more recently biographies! So here’s my slightly quirky list of *10 publications *that I prefer the most: *1. Archie Comics * This was actually the first item that came to my mind when I sat down to jot down this list. I probably read thousands of Archie comics while growipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7606988072857607656 Pakistani Blog Posts


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