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The Ideal Blogger (#1) Follow and Feedback

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesI've had a lot of spare time on my hands and I had been spending it on browsing fresh blogs, leaving comments and adding a blog or two to my personal follow list. I think I've seen a lot of blogs that seemed to be missing a spark or so and after reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie, I have understood what it means to be an ideal blogger. I'm not saying my blog is ideal, but that we could all work together to the goal of being so with the blogging epiphany I had. I'd like to share my ideas and opinions with you and it would be fantastic if you guys shared something back. So, without further ado, I present to you my blog post trilogy. Following and receiving feedback is something you cannot achieve without your readers. If you want more comments anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1386021221184079447 Pakistani Blog Posts


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