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Strongly condemn state terrorism of Nawaz government against peaceful protesters in Islamabad.

From the Blog united4justice Strongly condemn actions of Nawaz government against peaceful protesters. However, whatever is happening in Islamabad is not unexpected. People accepted the right of government and security institutions to torture or kill civillians or even bomb the civil areas during Ayub, Yahya, Bhutto, Musharraf, Zia and many other times. If Nawaz government is using the same wrong principles and excuses like law and order or some national security or some writ of state type excuses to justify their actions then it is also not new. We have tolerated even worse against people of Bangladesh, FATA, Baluchistan etc and if it is happening with Urban or so called settled area people then it shouldn’t be shocking. Its highly condemnable but not unexpected. Most of us believe in the concept of humpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2249894876366787240 Pakistani Blog Posts


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