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ندی کا پانی

From the Blog omer-urduیہ زیادہ عرصہ دور کی بات نہیں جب مجھے اپنے دیس کو خیرباد کہنا پڑا۔ ماں نے مجھے بوند بوند شفاف آنسو کی مانند اپنے وجود سے ٹپکا کر خود سے الگ کیا تھا اور رخصت کرتے، جب آخری بار سینے سے لگایا تو لوگوں کے دل پر ہیبت طاری کر دینے والے میرے باپ کا رُو رُو کانپ رہا تھا۔ وہ دونوں، جیسے مجھے کسی بازی میں ہار گئے ہوں ۔ ایسے اناڑی جن کا اپنی قسمت اور سورج جیسے مشاق جواری کی تیز کرنوں کے آگے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog odysseuslahoriMy article titled "Aornos" elicited an email from Canada. Its gist: that there were no Pakhtuns at the time of Alexander; that Yusufzais moved into Mardan and Swat in the 16th century (that is, they did not exist prior to that time!); that the people defeated by Alexander were not Pakhtuns but Buddhists. The mind boggles at the idiocy of a nation brought up on manufactured history. First of all, the title Pathan. Pakhtun pseudo-historians claim that the word derives from bataan, which in Arabic denotes rudder and was given to the (fictitious) Qais Abdur Rashid when he converted to Islam. Be it known that the Pakhtuns never called themselves Pathans; that this was a Punjabi and central Indian mispronunciation of Pakhtana, the singular for Pakhtun. That having been decided, we capakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1364096590589508749 Pakistani Blog Posts


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