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Wedding Week

From the Blog noorsplace Weddings have always been my favorite events. Without any reason. Actually , they don't really need a reason, they're cheery in every possible aspect. Two lives connecting to be one , a lot of events , food , fun , gatherings , emotions. What is it that's not in a wedding? My Khala (aunt) and Mamuu (uncle) got married to their significant others. The mid of August was all hectic and busy for me.Wedding events started from 1st week of August and are still going on. Pakistani weddings are just so vivid and cultural that you don't even want to escape. Even after being so tired (yeah! ask me.) Pakistani weddings are divided into three main events. 1. Mehndi / Mayuun / Rasm-e-Henna (they're called by different names) 2.Wedding day that's also called Rukhsati or simply Nikah ceremony 3pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6297243952989487558 Pakistani Blog Posts


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