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Five Reasons Why I Love Sialkot !!!

From the blog socialdenterSialkot, an industry ridden city, still lovable I suppose... City of hard workers, self made tycoons, crick geeks, foodi guys and much more... Still there is a feel, a unique essence of this city..... Iqbal Square SialkotLet me muster up some scattered words which I collected via feels of this city i.e. 1. The beauty.... until Sialkotiz open their mouth :P This might be because of a peculiar accent of Punjabi which comes from inter mixing of Punjabi and Kashmiri languages. Same goes for their color and complexion of Sialkotiz... 2. Taste of food.... There is a spice every where starting from Pizza Huts n Take Awaz till Dhabaz every where. But I love Sialkoti Taste... Even some times I forget Multan or even Lahore.... 3. Hard Work... Sialkot is totally a self made tycoon of Pakipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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