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Converse Doodles :D

From the Blog lluviaticWhen in doubt what to do, DOODLE! That too on converse :D And, yes. I didn't post Summer Holidays Part II because nothing much happened after the first ten days except a lot of family time and binge watching of TV shows. Home for Eid holidays these days! :D Lubaina E. Avoid Plagiarism. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Buddha's Palace

From the Blog awaisaftab"Buddhism is a deeply psychological tradition and the Buddha's pleasure palace is a striking image of the mind in denial. We naturally want to hold suffering at bay and it is tempting to protect ourselves in a carapace of heartlessness. But our own and other people's pain will always penetrate our defences and break our hearts. Only then, the myth tells us, can our spiritual quest begin." *Karen Armstrong* reviews *In Search of the Christian Buddha* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1672694457848364297 Pakistani Blog Posts


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