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Misconceptions- The blue and green planet

From the Blog penofmen Humans of Islamic republic of Pakistan led many anti-corruption moments since the day this beautiful country emerged on the map. Citizen groups played a crucial role in proposing policy and legal reforms for curbing corruption and in pressuring the government and parliament to adopt and implement the reforms but then there always remained some influence as well as few weaknesses in campaigns. Citizens of Pakistan can play a vital role as a watchdog for any misuse of national assets and monitor current economic situations. The negative campaigns against the corrupt politicians also to some extent resulted in several with-drawl or even indictment of high officials. Pakistan still has a long way to go against corruption to show some progress in Corruption Perception Index(CPI). Thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority PTA

From the Blog newsPakistan Telecommunication Authority PTA: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority PTA recently completed staff training at its headquarters. The aim was to impart knowledge and skills to its officials so that they could effectively monitor the QoS parameters in third-generation 3G and 4G services, according to the regulator, according to The Express Tribune. This solution would enable the PTA topakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8150788694373791726 Pakistani Blog Posts


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