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Eid-ul-fitr, Eid cards(Handmade)

From the Blog craft360Eid-ul-fitr is coming and every Muslim is shopping for themselves, decorating their houses and preparing for eid to celebrate this eid with great happiness. In ours happiness we Muslims cannot forget our friends,relatives and other people around us. on Eid everyone exchange gifts and Eid cards and give Eiddi to the young ones. so, I have make some Eid cards on order of my friends... these are four in number. I am not make separate post for each... due to my....laziness. HaHa Please take a look. colorful floral Eid card All Flowers are made with duplex paper. and statement is hand written that mean Eid Mubarik.... Eid Card 2nd handmade Eid card is pink themed with pearls and butterfly. Hanhmade Eid greeting card For Him. This one is for HIM. with Handmade flower on it. Handmade pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5325229453365453418 Pakistani Blog Posts


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