Squaw Valley Days 6 & 7
From the blog gollgappayI am home now. It's a regular Monday evening. Dinner is on the stove - chicken karahi, Jahan went to Montessori today and I went to work. The Squaw Valley Community of Writers Poetry Workshop is over, and I can't wait to go back. This was a healing sort of trip. Mountains and writing and cuddles with a cute baby at night. The last two days of the workshop were the busiest, which is why I was not able to update the blog while I was there. On Thursday, I had my workshop with Don Mee Choi, whose book *The Morning News is Exciting *is what I am currently reading. Her poems are chilling in their matter-of-fact-ness. I wrote a poem called *Dissonance* for the workshop session that she led. It was a poem I had been struggling to write for a very long time encompassing the Peshawar supakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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