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IDPs and repercussions for metropolis; Karachi

From the Blog pakistannrectifiedguy[image: IDPs and repercussions for metropolis; Karachi] IDPs and repercussions for metropolis; Karachi *By Ammad Hafeez* In the wake of military operation, Zarb-e-Azb, Pakistan is apparently to be in the grip of emergency situation. Further, the operation has brought a huge task for the government to manage; battling with the crises of internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to evolving operation. According to media reports, *435,429* IDPs have been registered by NADRA and roughly *46,000* people have gone across Afghanistan. At the minute, the settlement of IDPs is the challenging and foremost catastrophe for Pakistani government. Let us take a glance at past. Six operations have been conducted since 2007 and when the operation ‘Rah-e-Haq’ was launched in November-2007, as a rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3782483846823238428 Pakistani Blog Posts


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