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You must learn to touch type

From the Blog ayaz If you love typing, you have got to read The Joy of Typing. It is everything I have ever wanted to say on the topic of learning to touch type. I have major beef with people–especially those in professions which involve working on a computer, particularly systems engineers and development folks–who don’t know how to touch type. It infuriates me to see people hunt-and-peck type when they could have just as easily learned to touch type. I learned touch typing many moons ago, when I was a shy O’Levels student. I had taken computers as my major in O’Levels. One day I discovered a DOS-based touch typing tutor application. I fell in love with it. I wish I could remember its name so that I could make an effort to find it. I began religiously, and very patiently–for learning to touch tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8265361316413080388 Pakistani Blog Posts


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