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Squaw Valley Poetry Workshop - Day 3

From the Blog gollgappayI am going to let you in on a little secret: I am done with the poem for tomorrow! Yay! I found some quiet time this afternoon while Jahanara reportedly pranced around the village with her father and godmother. The poem is done, and once again, it was not what I was expecting. This morning during workshop, I read the poem I wrote last night titled *Jahanara, Age 2, Squaw Valley, June 2014. *The workshop staff poet was Matthew Zapruder, whose style of leading the discussion was awesome. A lot of good and helpful things were said and I had the pleasure to hear 12 other poets read their work, including Matthew. An amazing thing happens when so many people are writing and forming a community over an extended period of time - there is inevitably a degree of resonance, for instance, onpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3959744789729439637 Pakistani Blog Posts


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