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From the Blog aishaq7 What is fiction but an art in deception? Reality – penned on paper, given voice, actual thoughts articulated, so as to render it all visible – all cloaked in fiction. Such is the cruelty of this conundrum that even after having said it all – written it all – it feels as if, surrounded by the darkness brought on by that cloak, nothing has been said. It is, after all, she asks herself, he asks himself, just fiction, isn’t it? He wonders and she wonders when that cloak will part, so that the truth behind it is plain to see – single, distinct.Till then, he revels and she revels in the truth known only to them. A truth apparent for all others to see, just enshrouded in this veil that renders all truth false, that renders all reality fiction. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8053295219507374538 Pakistani Blog Posts


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