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Will Erdogan's Election Victory Impact Pak-Turk Schools in Pakistan?

From the Blog riazhaqPrime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has scored a convincing victory over his opponents in the latest municipal polls in Turkey. His Justice and Development Party (AKP) has won 44% of all the votes, well ahead of the 29% for the opposition People's Republican Party (CHP) which was founded as a secular party by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the father of modern Turkey. The results of these municipal elections are being seen as a national referendum on Erdogan’s 11-year-old rule after massive street protests by the Opposition against his rule amid a slew of corruption allegations which have threatened to tarnish his reputation. The accusations, taking the form of leaked recordings of conversations mostly featuring the prime minister that were anonymously posted online, prompted Erdoganpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Kenwood Khush Raho

From the Blog periodicreflectionsKenwood’s “Khush Raho” series of ads are all the rage these days. Three ads have surfaced till now (air conditioners, washing machines, kitchen appliances) and all of them are trying to teach imperfections in humans, comparing them to their perfect (or near perfect) machines. The first ad shows one weak point about men (snoring) , […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Reality of SAFMA and Indian Funded Media Persons

From the Blog defenceblogpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Sponsored Stories No More!

From the Blog nubealsI love the fact that new media such as Facebook is pushing profit-maximizing businesses to take a more creative and proactive approach towards engaging consumers on their channels. Many of us have been complaining about how Facebook has begun emulating popular culture as seen on TV - especially in terms of promoted content. The internet is a place for niches, so after this new update, we’re cheering. Ever since the dot com era in the 1990s, brands have repeatedly misunderstood this new environment. Their focus on ROIs and other numbers always means that there is a sales message attached to every piece of content they put up. But consumers have never liked advertisements. They may respond to them because they keep them informed about new products, but they have always been an intpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 861422575404790378 Pakistani Blog Posts


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