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The Orangi Pilot Project and Legacy of Architect Perween Rehman @ MIT

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: Arif Hasan: Architect with ethics] Arif Hasan and Perween Rehman: Architects with ethics [image: Parveen Rehman, photo by Steve Inskeep, NPR] Perween Rehman, photo by Steve Inskeep, NPR *Commitment personified, an abbreviated version of this piece, was published in The News on Sunday last week.* Speakers at a symposium in the Boston area last week, on “The Orangi Pilot Project and Legacy of Architect Perween Rehman” paid tribute to the late architect and OPP director, as “a woman, architect and social activist”. They also discussed parallels between the issues faced by the urban poor in and elsewhere. Hosted by the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the symposium featured prominent academics from Inpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2761837084850280400 Pakistani Blog Posts


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