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Rendering in Dressed Stone - Taxila

From the Blog odysseuslahoriWhen Alexander of Macedonia tarried here, his historians sang Taxila as a city “most considerable between the Indus and the Hydaspes [Jhelum]”. But when it fell into decay sometime in the 11th century, it completely passed from human memory. In the 1850s, Alexander Cunningham, well-versed in classical and early medieval texts, searching for the lost city, arrived at the site of a series of mounds that he believed could be Taxila. While the city’s name was forgotten, its much-storied glory refused to exit the collective consciousness: the locals still knew the hillocks as Dheri Shahan or Mound of Kings. The pageant that was Taxila began at Sarai Kala, once an outlying village of Dheri Shahan near the Grand Trunk Road that is now part of the urban sprawl of modern-day Taxila. Hepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Lahore School of Economics Launches Executive Education Programs

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics The Lahore School of Economics has launched Executive Education programs. Spread over two cohorts, the first program was held from 17-18 and 24-25 March. Some fifty senior and mid-level executives from CCL Pharma successfully completed the rigorous “Excellence in Sales Force Management” program conducted by Dr. Aamir Khan, Associate Dean (Executive Education) Lahore School of Economics. The program, based on the famous case method, pioneered by the Harvard Business School, focused on evaluation, motivation and restructuring of the sales force employed in the pharmaceutical sector. Commenting on the program, Sales Manager (South) of CCL Pharma Mr. Mubeen said, “The training was wonderful, the reading material was very informative, and overall it was a great learning epakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3229087997308006494 Pakistani Blog Posts


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