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Mousy Musharraf’s Masquerade

From the Blog pkhope Holed up behind the high barbed walls of the military hospital, Musharraf is shifting from room to ward to ICU and is even terrified of his shadow. He doesn’t even trust his doctors over there and have changed more than 9 just three months. His food is checked by the trained dogs in front of him. He is not taking any chances. As was expected right before 31st March, coward commando feigned his fake illness reaching another level of stupidity and has parked himself in the ICU. Today is the day when the namby-pamby former army chief is expected to appear before the Special Court in the high treason case. Justice Faisal Arab has become a nightmare for this colorful weakling soldier. In my opinion, no punishment can match to the self-humiliation Musharraf has brought upon himselpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4834139175911462456 Pakistani Blog Posts


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