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Feeling the Rhyme of word Allah

From the Blog islamicspiritualismThis was a sunny morning... Sitting confused in the arm chair of my office, I was unable to sort out that sentence which xould make my morning a feeling of positivism. It is always something like Lewis's knowledge packet which drops at one's head all of a sudden. The word fkashed at my head was ALLAH. I started punctuating it and the complete air was different. I just want to share one thing i.e. word Allah is pronounced in such a way that lips remain open. The sound comes from inside.... It feels like this word has landed on the soil of soul from some where up above heavens. It shifts itself from soil of soil to the barren beds of heart and makes it a bloom. Then it is punctuated by our vocal cards with out any grate in the way. How you feel reciting Allah??? pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2313178387806829389 Pakistani Blog Posts


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