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How can I forget it all —–!

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 8998011890_a2ee102338_b] [image: images (1)] [image: 052_child-photo-retouching_add-crown-on-little-girls-head] *How can I forget it all * Those children————– Who making crown of flowers, gave Everyone to adorn their hair; Those traveling blissful people Enjoyed beautiful picturesque air; That sight and the scene I face now! How can I forget? How can I forget them? The ones who adorned My head, with crown of flora; How can I forget them? The ones who helped me pull out My car from the ditch in foggy night, Fed me and my daughter with food And wrapped my mother with a shawl; But now——-! What I see is nothing but debris All ruined by earthquake How can I forget them? [image: 7dd63ef4186357b03bb5b77d5659df4d] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5771317455672176166 Pakistani Blog Posts


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