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Da Da, Tan Tan or Fight Fight, Talk Talk

From the Blog pkhope It's rude awakening for the interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan and PTI chief Imran Khan in recent couple of weeks. Judging from their statements it's obvious that they now understand that it's useless to negotiate from the point of weakness. The interior minister, his boss in PM house has now understood that they need to talk to terrorist not only on the table but also in their own violent language at the same time. As usual after recent surgical strikes in North/South Waziristan and their adjoining areas, Taliban terrorists have yet again softened their tone and trying to play victim through their sympathisers in the media. They always do that just to relocate and regroup. This time their ploy has failed as both political government and military is not letting them gopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

بلوچی تھیریم – دنیا کا عظیم ترین ممالیہ

From the Blog riazshahidجہاں آجکل پنجاب کی تحصیل تونسہ کا شہر ھے وہاں سے اگر مغرب کی جانب سفر کیا جائے تو پندرہ بیس کلو میٹر پر ایک پہاڑی مقام ھے جسے "چتر وٹہ " کہتے ہیں ۔ اس پہاڑی سلسلے کا نام بھی چتر وٹہ رینج ھے جو بڑھتا ہوا بلوچستان میں بمبور کے پہاڑی سلسلے سے مکمل پوسٹ پڑھئیے...pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2410141454385667938 Pakistani Blog Posts


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