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Pakistan First, Democracy Second

From the Blog pkhope Suicide bombings and ruthless killings of innocent individuals are on the rise in Pakistan, and that has been going on for many years now. For us, the country is more important than democracy. We should remain loyal to the country always. We should remain loyal to the democratic government when it deserves it. Without Peace democratic government is meaningless. Taliban's are killing innocent Pakistanis and our men in uniform on daily basis. No mosque, church, temple, hospital is saving from their ruthless attacks. They have no respect for religion, gender or child. We have tried every democratic way to bring the peace but Taliban do not want peace. Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint. This was happened in recent talks between TTPpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

ذرا تافتان تک 4 ۔ ملکہ کی کہانی

From the Blog riazshahidہم دالبندین سے کوئی تیس پینتیس کلومیٹر آگے پہنچ چکے تھے اور اس جگہ پر پر رکنے کی ایک خاص وجہ تھی ۔ یوں تو شاہراہ پر دوڑتی آجکل کی گاڑیوں کے لیئے یہ کوئی بہت خاص سٹاپ اورو نہیں ھے۔ بس لیویز کی ایک چیک پوسٹ کی عمارت کی سفید رنگت ، سورج کی مکمل پوسٹ پڑھئیے...pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6279198098720153229 Pakistani Blog Posts


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