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Mantra of the week – we all need it!

From the Blog naswarville Accept your feelings. Even the ones you wish you did not have. [image: Meditation image by hape_gera @ flickr] by HaPe_Gera Hello naswarville dwellers. A few months ago I went on a self awareness and development corporate training. Quite amusingly the instructor even taught us the art of meditation. This was not something i was expecting in a corporate training class. But since the focus of the class was to become more aware of ones own leadership style and to be endowed with tools that allow you to assess your compatibility with your current job meditation actually did seem apt. We seem so get so lost in the hustle bustle of life running from one meeting to the other and one social engagement to the other. We never take out the time to actually live in the moment, even if ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2589478088719089854 Pakistani Blog Posts


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