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From the Blog insanitation-bubble-attackRelocating myself in a crowd of tall and short heights (well mostly tall heights) yet again at eight 'o' clock on every week day in a place where I felt homesick all the time; I crossed out all items in my list box wondering this is it! I am never finding neverland. It wasn't that I felt isolated or a loner because wandering with myself had always been the undeniable comfort, usually at times when it gets hard to locate a company around. It wasn't the thought of missing people or being nostalgic to past, it was none of all that. It was just my daydreaming losing its shiny surface after hopelessly reacting with the air. If only like aluminium, my elements would also not react to oxygen because they would have a protective layer of oxides repulsing against being corroded away. I wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4657904830768361101 Pakistani Blog Posts


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