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Understanding the Greater Cause

From the Blog islamicspiritualismIt happens most of the times when our desires are dragging us mad, we are working hard to make things practical, but it seems going towards a blank end. We are constantly praying and working hard but out put does not seem the way we want to be. This is also another form of blessing. Few days back I also suffered this situation. This is not the time to get demotivated, depressed or to go negative against the cause we are working for. This is actually another type of out put which we are not able to understand for the time being. But things go positive at the time destined for them. Actually nature is the best planner for the creations. Things which we are desiring or working for are some times not suitable for us at that specific time. But we want them to happen at that time. Thipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6258019714720166584 Pakistani Blog Posts


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