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Zulfikar Khosa Marriage Pictures With Faryal

From the Blog pkhope Zulfikar Khosa aged 81 has married a girl Faryal aged in her early 30s. Zulfikar Khosa, the PML-N politician from a very feudal background has married this girl Faryal, who is the grand daughter of Nawab of Qalat says that the couple is very happy and look forward living a fitful and happy life. One hopes so and wishes them all the best. The new bride, who is younger than all the kids of Zulfikar Khosa has gifted new expensive cars to her step sons. Her step sons Hassam Khosa and Dost Mohammad Khosa are also very happy that they have got new mother. Zulfikar Khosa, the groom has also said that he has married Faryal, because his other wife Nadra bibi is ill and has got problem with her spine. Faryal is also from a very powerful family and is quite rich. She has got one home ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4258763148606684132 Pakistani Blog Posts


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