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Reading circle – tale of a spiritual holyman

From the Blog dholsipahi This is going to be an interesting one. Yesterday, a colleague of mine was telling me an incident related to his brother, who has a dairy farm and 3 of his buffaloes got stolen recently by some cattle thief. I was sad to hear this as I know for a farmer, his cattle is the only source of income. Anyway we were discussing the theft and possible approaches to catch the thief. I gave him some suggestions on how he should proceed. “I am sure today we are going to catch the thieves.” My colleague Waheed said. “That brilliant – How?” I wondered. “There is a very virtuous and spiritual man in my village, He will read circle for us today and everything shall be revealed. As a matter of fact, my brother and my kids are visiting him as we speak right now.” He said. “What dopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2639243316750643585 Pakistani Blog Posts


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