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Taxing poor farmers

From the Blog pakistaniaat Government provides infrastructure, regulatory framework and security to commercial concerns and in return takes away its share from the wealth created by the business enterprises in the form of taxes and duties. Whereas, there are yardsticks to fix the proportion of shares of direct and indirect stakeholders like providers of capital and employees, there is no yardstick to ascertain the size of the share to be channelized to the national exchequer. [image: Taxing poor farmers] If we look at the wealth distribution declaration of the leading fertilizer (urea) manufacturer of the country i.e., Fauji Fertilizer Company (FFC), we come to know that 57.4% (Rs. 40,859 million) of the total wealth created in 2012 was distributed to the Government as indicated in the Company’s Annual pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8739790448718413979 Pakistani Blog Posts


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